We have a dedicated team of application specialists, and we can assist you through the NDIS applications process FREE of charge.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) application process involves several steps to determine a person’s eligibility and level of support needs. The process typically involves the following steps:

1. Check eligibility: The first step is to check whether the person meets the eligibility criteria for the NDIS. To be eligible, the person must be an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or hold a Protected Special Category Visa, and have a permanent disability or a significant and ongoing functional impairment.

2. Gather information: The person will need to gather information about their disability, including medical reports, assessments, and other relevant documentation. They may also need to provide information about their current supports and how they manage their daily life.

3. Apply: The person can apply for the NDIS online, by phone, or by filling out a paper form. They will need to provide information about their disability and how it impacts their daily life, as well as details about their personal circumstances.

4. Assessment: Once the application is submitted, the person will be contacted by an NDIS representative to arrange an assessment. The assessment will involve a review of the person’s disability and support needs, as well as an assessment of their goals and aspirations.

5. Plan development: Based on the assessment, the person will work with an NDIS planner to develop a support plan that outlines their goals, support needs, and the services and supports they require. The plan will be reviewed and approved by the NDIA before it can be implemented.

6. Implementation: Once the plan is approved, the person can begin accessing the services and supports outlined in the plan. They will need to manage their plan and work with service providers to ensure they are receiving the supports they need.

Overall, the NDIS application process can be complex, and it is important to seek support and guidance to navigate the process effectively. The NDIA provides resources and support to help individuals and families apply for the scheme and manage their support plans.

Talk to us to find out more!

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Westmead NSW 2145,

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